How to use Smaho Change Development Tool
very random post
Smaho Change Development Tool was a program made in June 2012 by Japanese company HeART BIT Inc. (who went bankrupt in 2018). The program was made in C# and even uses the default Visual Studio icon from that time (high quality app). The program is used to design and export wallpaper apps similar to the ones that HeART BIT made and sold themselves (prominent examples include: Akuma Homura Wallpaper App, Nichijou Wallpaper App, Lucky Star Wallpaper App, and Monogatari Wallpaper App), with the difference being this program doesn't have the encryption the actual apps have.
how to use it
The first step is to download two things: installer_r18-windows.exe ( and JDK 7 (I personally used JDK 1.8.0 361)
When installing the Android thing I sent, make sure that the files are installed in C:\Program Files\Android\
, otherwise change the paths I'm going to list below to where you actually installed the thing.
The next step is to add stuff to your environment variables. Search for that in the search bar and click the Environmental Variables button.
In user variables click new. The variable name is JAVA_HOME
and the value is wherever JDK was installed (ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk(INSERT VERSION HERE) )
In system variables scroll down to find the variable Path
. Double click and add these three paths one at a time like how the other paths are listed there:
- C:\path\to\folder\apache-ant-1.8.4\bin (replace this with where you put Apache Ant)
- C:\path\to\apacheant\apache-ant-1.8.4 (replace this with where you put Apache Ant)
- C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools
- C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
The next step is to edit the build.bat file used by Smaho Change.
Replace the second line with this: cmd /c ant debug -Dbuild.compiler=javac1.7
I added the argument of Dbuild.compiler (thanks to stackoverflow) so that when building the .apk, Apache Ant uses Java 7, since Apache Ant 1.8 breaks using Java 8 above.
The last step is to go to the /project/ folder. Delete build.xml. Open command prompt and run this command: cd C:\path\to\folder\Smaho Change
(replace this with where you put the folder)
Run this command next: android update project -p .
Important If you run the android command and it errors, you configured the environment variables wrong somehow
After this, you can start doing stuff in Smaho Change! I might make an image size guide soon because you'd have to do some guesswork to figure it out, for now I'll just say the images are usually 480 pixels in height, might be less though.
One last thing: the Smaho Change zip comes with SumafoChangeDev.apk, which you need to install onto your phone or wherever in order for your wallpaper app to work.
Proof of concept app I made: Umineko Wallpaper App