Lost Media List
Personal list of lost media.
Lost Evangelion Media List
Name: Petit Eva: Evangelion@School - ~チョコバナナ、はじめました。~Platform: i-mode, Yahoo! Ketai, and EZweb
Release Date: c. September 2011
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
Adobe Flash game for mobile phones. Only available every 2nd Wednesday of the month. "50 points" needed to be used to play the game.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20111115220201/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp:80/evagainax/game.html
Name: 天元突破 グレンラガン - お前のドリルで掘り進め!!
Platform: i-mode
Release Date: c. May 2011
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
Seems to be a 2D top-down action game. "100 points" needed to be used to play the game.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20111115220201/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp:80/evagainax/game.html
Name: Neon Genesis Evangelion - パターン青!使徒です!!
Platform: Yahoo! Ketai
Release Date: c. May 2011
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
Seems to be a 2D top-down action game. You needed to pay ¥105 (tax included) to play for 30 days. You need to pay ¥210 (tax included) to own the game.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20111115220201/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp:80/evagainax/game.html
Name: 鋼鉄のガールフレンド特別編
Platform: EZweb, BREW
Release Date: December 17, 2009
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
A BREW port of Girlfriend of Steel released in 2009 to the Anime@Gainax website. Has new images, a new scenario, and a new ending included.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20111115220201/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp:80/evagainax/game.html
Name: デスレース2011 vol.1
Platform: i-mode, Yahoo! Ketai, and EZweb
Release Date: 10 AM JST, February 9, 2011
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
An Adobe Flash game for mobile phones, from the series Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.
Links: https://www.value-press.com/pressrelease/72629
Name: エヴァ札 (com.mediamagic.flower; aka: EVA 札 EVANGELION Flower Card.)
Platform: Android, iOS
Release Date: c. 2012
Developer: MediaMagic; Yes, I am. Co. Ltd. (real company btw: https://enterprise.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/ogawa/2009/03/03/15040.html)
Publisher: Gainax
Costed ¥350. The game was made to promote the Rebuild of Evangelion. An Evangelion-themed game of Koi-Koi. The cards featured in the app are scans of real ones made by Movic: https://www.evastore.jp/shop/g/gA7014301/ Part of a line of apps called the "EVANGELION Communication Project".
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20130318031443/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp/pc_iphone/evafuda.html
http://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/eva-zha-evangelion-flower/id542306918?mt=8 (dead)
Name: EVANGELION 時計&タイマー (jp.co.mediamagic.evaclockwidget)
Platform: Android
Release Date: c. 2012
Developer: MediaMagic; Yes, I am. Co. Ltd.
Publisher: Gainax
Costed ¥210. The app was made to promote the Rebuild of Evangelion. The app is a clock and timer widget. Part of a line of apps called the "EVANGELION Communication Project".
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20130318031559/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp/pc_iphone/evaclockwidget.html
Name: EVANGELION バッテリー監視 (jp.co.mediamagic.battery01)
Platform: Android
Release Date: c. 2012
Developer: MediaMagic; Yes, I am. Co. Ltd.
Publisher: Gainax
Costed ¥210. The app was made to promote the Rebuild of Evangelion. The app is a battery widget. Part of a line of apps called the "EVANGELION Communication Project".
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20130318032549/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp/pc_iphone/battery01.html
Name: AddressBook EVANGELION edition
Platform: iOS
Release Date: c. 2011
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
Costed ¥350. The app is an Evangelion-themed address book similar to the Madoka Magica-themed one (https://archive.org/details/jp.co.mediamagic.madokaaddress).
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20130314013615/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp/pc_iphone/eab.html
Name: EVAカードゲーム (com.mediamagic.card; aka: EVAカードゲームーEVANGELION Card Game)
Platform: Android, iOS
Release Date: c. 2012
Developer: MediaMagic; Yes, I am. Co. Ltd.
Publisher: Gainax
Costed ¥350. An app which had three Evangelion-themed card games: Sollitaire, Poker, and Old Maid. Part of a line of apps called the "EVANGELION Communication Project".
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20150604150355/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mediamagic.card
http://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/evakadogemu-evangelion-card/id537833845?mt=8 (dead)
Name: 初音ミクきせかえ電話帳
Platform: iOS
Release Date: c. 2012
Developer: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax
A free app which had ¥250 in-app purchases. The app is a Miku-themed address book similar to the Madoka Magica-themed one (https://archive.org/details/jp.co.mediamagic.madokaaddress).
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20121230171222/http://www.mediamagic.co.jp/pc_iphone/mikuadd.html
http://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/chu-yinmiku-kisekae-dian-hua/id520715941?l=ja&ls=1&mt=8 (dead)
Name: エヴァがちゃ!
Platform: i-mode, Yahoo! Ketai, and EZweb
Release Date: Unsure; ~2007?
Developer: Tin Machine Inc.; Gainax
Publisher: Gainax
Released on the Anime@Gainax website. The game was illustrated by artist Yukihisa Fujita. The game is an Evangelion-themed match 3.
Links: https://tinmachine.co.jp/release/tinmachine_20071212.pdf
Name: Eva Casino
Platform: i-mode, Yahoo! Ketai
Release Date: Unsure; ~2007?
Developer: Tin Machine Inc.
Publisher: Gainax
Released on the Anime@Gainax website. A series of four games: Eva Slot, Eva vs Bingo, Eva Poker (エヴァ ポーカー), and Eva Black Jack. Eva Poker was the first of the games to be developed and released.
Links: https://tinmachine.co.jp/release/tinmachine_20071212.pdf
Name: Attack of the 8th angel (jp.co.evangelion.attack_of_8th_angel)
Platform: Android
Release Date: c. June 2012
Developer: MediaMagic (presumed)
Publisher: Gainax
A confusing app. The app's .apk shows up in the dumped files of the Evangelion-themed SH-06D Docomo phone (https://archive.org/details/system_20200521), but doesn't work because the .apk is missing everything it needs to work. The app itself was also released to the Play Store at some point for some reason. The app was released as part of the "SH-06D NERV PROJECT". The app runs on Unity.
Links: https://applion.jp/android/app/jp.co.evangelion.attack_of_8th_angel/
Name: EVA Gate (aka Evangelion Gate)
Platform: Web (eva-gate.jp)
Release Date: 2012
Production: MediaMagic
Publisher: Gainax; MediaMagic
A mobile website for Evangelion similar to Anime@Gainax. The website was launched in 2012 and was created by MediaMagic Co. Ltd. The website was discontinued on November 30, 2018, and permanently shut down on January 6, 2019. The website had several games, wallpapers, and likely many other types of media.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20180902041915/http://eva-gate.jp/
Lost Madoka Magica Media List
Name: Unnamed Aniplex☆Mobile Madoka Magica Rebellion Wallpaper AppPlatform: iOS
Release Date: March 24, 2014
Developer: HeART BIT Inc. (very likely)
Publisher: Aniplex☆Mobile (aka: Bancho-Seisakusho Inc. or BCI Inc.), Aniplex Inc.
Wallpapers were likely sold inside of the Aniplex☆Mobile website/app.
Links: https://www.madoka-magica.com/zenkouhen/news/index.html?p=12
Name: Unnamed Aniplex☆Mobile Madoka Magica Rebellion Wallpaper App 2
Platform: iOS
Release Date: April 13, 2015
Developer: HeART BIT Inc. (very likely)
Publisher: Aniplex☆Mobile (aka: Bancho-Seisakusho Inc. or BCI Inc.), Aniplex Inc.
Wallpapers were likely sold inside of the Aniplex☆Mobile website/app.
Links: https://www.madoka-magica.com/zenkouhen/news/index.html?p=6
Name: ライブ壁紙 佐倉杏子/劇場版魔法少女まどか☆マギカ[新編] (jp.co.aniplex.googleplay.livepaper.MADOKAMAGICA_MR.Kyouko01; aka: ライブ壁紙 佐倉杏子ver. ダウンロードは)
Platform: Android
Release Date: March 7, 2014
Developer: HeART BIT Inc.
Publisher: Aniplex☆Mobile (aka: Bancho-Seisakusho Inc. or BCI Inc.), Aniplex Inc.
Wallpaper app. Costed ¥107 or $0.99.
Links: https://www.madoka-magica.com/zenkouhen/news/index.html?p=12
Name: タップチェンジ壁紙 / 劇場版魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 新編
Platform: Android
Release Date: October 23, 2015
Developer: HeART BIT Inc.
Publisher: Aniplex☆Mobile (aka: Bancho-Seisakusho Inc. or BCI Inc.), Aniplex Inc.
Wallpaper app. Costed ¥107 or $0.99.
Links: https://www.madoka-magica.com/zenkouhen/news/index.html?p=4
Name: 「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」スマホ★チェンジ (com.heart_bit.smahochange.theme.madokamagica)
Platform: Android
Release Date: July 23, 2013
Developer: HeART BIT Inc.
Publisher: HeART BIT Inc.
Wallpaper app. Costed ¥525 or $4.07.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20150623145913/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heart_bit.smahochange.theme.madokamagica
Name: 「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」バッテリーウィジェット (jp.co.heartbit.widget.battery.madoka_magica)
Platform: Android
Release Date: July 23, 2013
Developer: HeART BIT Inc.
Publisher: HeART BIT Inc.
Wallpaper app. Costed ¥210 or $1.95.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20140423230558/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.heartbit.widget.battery.madoka_magica
Name: 魔法少女まどか☆マギカのパズルゲームア
Platform: iOS
Release Date: March 29, 2013
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Aniplex☆Mobile (aka: Bancho-Seisakusho Inc. or BCI Inc.), Aniplex Inc.
A Madoka Magica puzzle game released for iOS.
Links: https://www.madoka-magica.com/zenkouhen/news/index.html?p=27#news17488
Name: MADOKAMAGICA TPS AKEMI HOMURA (in English; jp.co.fwinc.madomagihomuraTPS_en)
Platform: Android
Release Date: c. August 28, 2012
Developer: Mebius Co. Ltd. (aka: Digital Mebius)
Publisher: Frontier Works
An English version of Homura TPS. The app costed $7.64. The app was removed sometime in 2013. There are only two pages as of right now that I can find even mention the app. According to scraped info from Soft112, the app included voicelines by Homura re-recorded in English. The app can be seen in the More Apps section of this page, confirming its existence: http://web.archive.org/web/20130511195638/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.fwinc.madomagihomuraTPS&feature=related_apps
Links: https://madokamagica-tps-akemi-homura.soft112.com/
Name: 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ TPS トリプルパック
Platform: Android (via au Market)
Release Date: October 24, 2013
Developer: Mebius Co. Ltd. (aka: Digital Mebius)
Publisher: Frontier Works
The app costed ¥390. The app claims to have all three Madoka Magica TPS apps in one, and all voice lines exclusively re-recorded. There may have been a PC port as suggested by page metadata, although it is very unclear if this is true ("あの人気アニメ「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」の本格TPSがお得なパックで登場!!【Android,PCのみ閲覧可能】").
Links: I did not discover this piece of lost media unlike the other ones here, someone made a Reddit post on it, just felt I had to say
Science Adventure Lost Media List
Name: Chaos;Head 2.5DPlatform: Web (Hi-iii-kari TV; aka: Hikari TV)
Release Date: January 8, 2013
Production: puzzle Inc.
Publisher: POOL Inc., NTT Co. Ltd.
A 5-part audio drama released by POOL Inc. on Hi-iii-kari TV (Hikari TV) on January 8, 2013; intended to promote the release of Chaos;Head Noah. Each audio drama revolved around a specific Chaos;Head character. Parts 3-5 (featuring the VAs of Sena Aoi, Ayase Kishimoto, and Yua Kusunoki respectively) remain lost; those episodes were released on January 15, 2013, exclusively to members of Hikari TV.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20230529143846/https://pool-inc.net/works/755
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx88cO_XdB8
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVsfG2oltxM
Facebook AD: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=603696349645863
Platform: iOS
Release Date: ~2012
Developer: Red Flagship Co., Ltd.
Publisher: 5pb/MAGES
A custom Twitter client released to promote Chaos;Head. I'm pretty sure all the wallpapers aren't exclusive, but I'm unsure about the music included in the app.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20140826181735/https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/chaos-head-noah-tweet/id486735711?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Name: Steins;Gate Battery Manager
Platform: Android
Release Date: December 27, 2011
Developer: ID corp.
Publisher: 5pb/Mages
A battery manager featuring Steins;Gate characters. Kurisu's was uploaded by someone I contacted in March 2023 (torrent; archive.org upload). Finding information about ID Corp. is difficult, so I will explain here so people don't have to go out of their way: ID Corp. was a company founded in April 2010 by video game producer and composer Hajime Kanasugi. Kanasugi was a former director of Dwango, explaining why Mages hired ID Corp; ID Corp disappeared after December 2012, though Kanasugi is still around. From statistics I've read (possibly unreliable), anywhere from 10-100 people have downloaded Moeka Battery Manager, so the rest of the apps are going to be extremely difficult to find.
Links: https://applion.jp/android/app/jp.idcorp.stg_moe.bm/
Name: Steins;Gate Flash Wallpaper/デレ期ktkr!キャンペーン/Steins;Gate ktkr Campaign
Platform: 2000s mobile phones
Release Date: August 2011
Publisher: Kadokawa Corp., Animate, 5pb/Mages
A Flash wallpaper promised to buyers of the book Steins;Gate: True Memories of Mutual Love (Steins;Gate 相思相愛のトゥルーメモリーズ) (notably as well as several other books; it was part of デレ期ktkr!キャンペーン). The book's jacket claims the wallpaper was available from the book's release (October 2011) to June 2012. The wallpaper was accessible via a QR code in the book's jacket. Apparently, you could only register for the wallpaper until January 31, 2012. The website it was on was connected to Animate Mobile (redirected to it from 2009-2014) and Pokedora, a website operated by Animate (redirected to it from 2014-2016).
Raw text from the book:
▶▶W プレゼント
TVアニメ「シュタインズ・ゲート』特製フラッシュ待ち受けを購入者全 員にプレゼント! 折り返しの二次元コードよりアクセス!!!
※アクセス期限 2012年6月末まで。
※スマートフォンは対象外です。そのほかの携帯電話でも、 一部のキャリア、機種では対応していない場合があります。 予めご了承ください。
http://qr.sx-mobile.com/ma_sgbook09nfdy.php (dead)
Name: Gero Froggy Wallpaper Apps
Platform: Android
Release Date: June 7, 2013
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: YSCI International (as SmaDeco), Mages
Two Gero Froggy wallpaper apps for Android released for SmaDeco by YSCI. The first app is named 「ゲロカエルん」きせかえ壁紙@SmaDeco and the second is named 「ゲロカエルん 妄想くじ」きせかえ壁紙@SmaDeco.
Links: https://applion.jp/android/app/jp.smadeco.YSCI01.sdt000152/
See more: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gAoDCiJu7cpaLIhaKq0bsEIFlHHZcDlqybT6E-gR2Gs/edit and https://nrw.nobody.jp/sa/RIP.html
Misc. Lost Media List
Name: けいおん!! 公式ライブ壁紙 (jp.co.tbs.anime.LiveWall.k_on001)Platform: Android
Release Date: July 12, 2011
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: TBS
The app costed ¥432 or $3. The app was removed at 12:00 (JST?), November 30, 2016. The app was a wallpaper app.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/20140921194108/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.tbs.anime.LiveWall.k_on001
Name: けいおん!公開時計 (com.bravesoft.keionalarm; aka: 映画「けいおん!」公開時計 for Android!)
Platform: Android, iOS
Release Date: July 16, 2011
Developer: Bravesoft
Publisher: TBS
The app was released to promote K-On! The Movie. The app is an alarm app featuring Azusa Nakano. According to Bravesoft, the app acts as a countdown to the release of the movie. The app was specifically released 20 weeks before the movie was. The app was removed sometime before 2014.
Links: https://www.bravesoft.co.jp/works/partner/00008/
https://web.archive.org/web/20230203112517im_/https://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/116/Purple/3d/5e/66/mzm.dyisfhoh.jpg (iOS app icon; I know this is the real one since it matches up with the App Store page)
Name: Manicured Nails In Bloody Red (aka: M.N.I.B.R)
Platform: Android
Release Date: May 20, 2011
Developer: Mebius Co. Ltd. (aka: Digital Mebius)
Publisher: Mebius Co. Ltd. (aka: Digital Mebius)
Definitely the most badass-sounding app on here. A first person shooter developed and released by Mebius Co. Ltd., the same people who created Madoka Magica TPS.
Links: http://d-mebius.com/mnibr/mnibr.htm
Name: Aniplex★Mobile Apps
Platform: Android, iOS
Release Date: 2013-2017
Developer: Various (mostly HeART BIT Inc.)
Publisher: Bancho-Seisakusho Inc.; Aniplex Inc.
I have already listed a lot of apps here released by the Aniplex★Mobile (aka: アニプレックス★モバイル or アニプレックス★Mobile; アニプレックス★Mobile) service by Aniplex. Those are the more notable ones. Aniplex★Mobile has released more than 300 apps (an estimated 400) from 2013-2017, and only around 235 of these have been recovered so far as of March 2024. This doesn't even count any material released by Aniplex★Mobile from 2006-2012. As of 2013, Aniplex claims that Aniplex★Mobile had 3000 wallpapers.
Links: https://archive.org/details/rapier-blog-apps
Name: Haruhi's AniPoke
Platform: iOS
Release Date: July 7, 2011
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten
An early example of Live2D. The 148apps page actually shows even more lost Haruhi apps which I'm too lazy to list, since they've all got similar info. The game was released for a limited period of time and was removed on August 31, 2011.
Links: http://web.archive.org/web/20110528042118/http://www.haruhikyougaku.jp/haruhinegai/index.html
Name: [モバ7]CRルパン三世 消されたルパン (mb7.game.sp.mbga.jp)
Platform: Android (via Mobage)
Release Date: Unclear (~2012)
Developer: Heiwa Corporation
Publisher: Mobage
The game tries to download data from mb7.game.sp.mbga.jp; according to the game, its files total to 3GB. Important string found in the app: GCC: (GNU) 4.8 GCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease) ARM v7 GNU gold 1.11
Links: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/1880
Name: けいおん!ミラクルセッション
Platform: Web/Mobile Phone (via Mobage)
Release Date: November 24, 2011
Developer: Butterfly
Publisher: Mobage
The game was released on November 24, 2011. The game ran for pre-register from 3 PM JST on November 16, 2011, to 2:59 PM JST November 24. The game was very likely in Adobe Flash. The game was shut down on February 28, 2013. The URL http://pf.mbga.jp/12007333?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsg006.btfly.net%2Fmy shows that the game's files were located in http://sg006.btfly.net/my (dead)
Links: http://sp.mbga.jp/game/cpn/k-on/top.html (requires phone user agent, like the one for an iPhone)
http://sp.mbga.jp/game/cpn/k-on/explanation.html (requires phone user agent, like the one for an iPhone)
http://sg006.btfly.net/my (dead)
Name: ベアトリーチェからの挑戦状 (A Challenge from Beatrice)
Platform: Web (umine.co)
Release Date: October 27, 2010-December 28, 2010
Production: Unknown
Publisher: Alchemist Co. Ltd.
A promotional campaign to promote the release of Umineko PS3. One question was released per week, in total there were 10 questions plus one last questions (11 in total). Its segment in the umine.co website remains mostly lost although most images used for the promotion were archived. Some stages had special prizes in the form of an Adobe Flash file, but I'm not sure what was in these .swf files. I am working on a recreation of the website but I really don't think it can be completed.
Edit September 8, 2024: All of the prizes have been found! So the only thing missing would be certain files, the code to the pages themselves, as well as the character-specific emails received at the end of the campaign.
Links: https://web.archive.org/web/*/umine.co/rondo/challenge/*
Solutions to the questions: http://uminekono-nakukoroni.seesaa.net/article/168374847.html
Solutions 2: http://umineco.info/?CS版「うみねこのなく頃に」#content_1_2
Stage 1 photos: http://blog.getchu.com/archives/51676219.html
Stage 2 photos: http://blog.livedoor.jp/kizna_t/archives/1571339.html
Stage 4 photos: https://www.4gamer.net/games/119/G011992/20101117003/
Stage 6 photos: http://suika1492.blog86.fc2.com/blog-entry-282.html
Stage 9 photos: http://bkaclub.blog76.fc2.com/blog-entry-88.html
Stage 10 photos: https://www.4gamer.net/games/119/G011992/20101228028/
Lost Media Listed on a Wiki
魔法少女まどか☆マギカfone 佐倉杏子Ver.https://lostmediawiki.com/Madoka_Magica_Fone_(partially_found_mobile_apps;_2013-2014)
Neon Genesis Evangelion ~SIDE STORY 1 A Midsummer Night's Dream~
Evangelion MEMORIA
Assassin's Creed: Memories
Higurashi x Umineko Mobile Game
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Tactics
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Taito Ports
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Digimerce and Dwango Ports
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Dwango-exclusive arcs
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Taito and iOS Ports
Lupin III: Kessen Card Battle
シティーハンター 100万人のスイーパー